About Parasol
Parasol Mail Order started in 1991 out of the basement of a house in Urbana, IL. After a couple of moves (first to 1st Street in Champaign -- now Flying Machine Avionics, the best coffee shop in town, followed by five years on Lynn Street in Urbana), we have finally settled in our forever home on Griggs Street (back across the tracks in Urbana). Within two blocks of us are our favorite bars (Bunny's Tavern and Rose Bowl Tavern), restaurants (Black Dog Smoke & Ale House and Broadway Food Hall), and venue (Rose Bowl Tavern) -- there's even a brewery spitting distance from our front door (25 O'Clock Brewing Company). We have over 10,000 LPs, CDs and 45s in stock -- and hundreds of magazines (both current and back-issues)... with more stuff arriving regularly.
If you are in the Champaign-Urbana area, stop by (we're here ever day except Sundays). Otherwise, you can find a lot of what we carry on this site -- more stuff is listed on Discogs and tons of magazines on eBay.
From Wikipedia:
Parasol Records is an American independent record label based in Urbana, Illinois. The label was founded by Geoff Merritt as an outgrowth of the catalog Parasol Mail Order (which was started in 1991). The Parasol Records banner also includes the smaller labels associated with it, including Mud, Spur, Hidden Agenda and Galaxy Gramophone. The majority of Parasol's releases have been indie pop CD and 7" vinyl singles. Artists signed to Parasol Records include: 16 Tons, The 1900s, 7% Solution, Absinthe Blind, Acid House Kings, The Action, AK-Momo, Mark Bacino, Bikeride, Brian Leach, Bruno, Matt, Budgie Jacket, Busytoby, C-Clamp, Doleful Lions, Elsinore, Honcho Overload, Hot Glue Gun, Lanterna, The Moon Seven Times, Neilson Hubbard, Hum, Jack & the Beanstalk, Jenifer Jackson, Ryan Groff, Sugarbuzz and many others.
Geoff Merritt and friend Ric Menck (Velvet Crush) also run Reaction Recordings -- best known for the "Songs of the Pogo" (Walt Kelly and Norman Monath) re-release along with re-releases from The Action, The Vertebrats, Crippled Pilgrims and Richard Lloyd.